Rescue dog walks again with love and care from a special person

Employees of the Richland County Dog Shelter found Razz near their outdoor kennels. Apparently, his owner dumped him there instead of walking inside and surrendering his pooch. Although the pit bull was just one year old, he was deaf and unable to walk.

The shelter staff took him in and got their medical team to check on the pup. Surprisingly, they couldn’t find any reason why the dog couldn’t walk. He had no injuries or ailments. As for his hearing, it was probably congenital.

Acupuncture and laser treatments

Razz was taken to different animal clinics and had consultations with various experts. All of them couldn’t find the cause of his inability to walk. During that time, his leg muscles started to atrophy, making his condition worse and the chances of recovery slimmer.

Dog walks again with special care

The poor pooch underwent several treatments, including regular laser and acupuncture treatments. The therapy, combined with steroids, prompted some improvements. But once again, they didn’t know which of his treatments were making a difference. Razz was a big mystery to them.

Nevertheless, they continued to take him to scheduled therapy sessions. This is where he met the perfect mom for him.

Complete transformation

Bethany Higgins is a veterinary assistant that works at the acupuncture center where Razz got his therapy. She had seen the dog several times and assisted in his sessions. During those times together, she felt a connection with the pup. She decided to adopt Razz when her daughter, Amelia, met the dog and had a connection with him as well.

Once Razz was at his new home, his progress started going faster. Bethany would continue doing several exercises at home, and his leg muscles started toning and gaining strength. And soon he was walking around and jumping.

Razz was very lucky to find a mom who has the knowledge and experience to help him get better. It also helped a lot that he lives in a home that loves him so dearly.

Source: Richland County Dog Warden’s Office & Shelter via Facebook

Dogs are really something special aren’t they? Watch this dog get jealous of a stuffed toy because his mom is giving it too much attention.


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