Stolen pitbull found on social media and returned to owners

Imagine having your beloved dog stolen from you. You’d be worried about your dog and wonder how he or she is being treated. It’s a scary thought and one family experienced having their dog stolen, which left all of them heartbroken.

A Pit Bull named Nina was stolen from her home. Her mom, April Morris, spent countless hours walking around their neighborhood trying to find their beloved pet dog. She had no clue who stole Nina and wondered if she and her family would ever get their beloved dog back.

For nearly two years, April and her family never lost hope. They even offered a reward for Nina’s return. Unfortunately, nobody turned up and April and her family never expected to see Nina again.

Stolen dog rescued from criminals

However, while April was looking at her newsfeed on her social media account, she came across a photo of a Pit Bull that looked a lot like Nina. The dog was emaciated and the news article read that she was confiscated by authorities in an illegal cockfighting ring that was run by a gang.

April knew that the dog in the photo is Nina and she immediately contacted the animal shelter where Nina was housed in. A reunion was quickly arranged by the shelter. April and her family were overjoyed to finally have their dog back after two years of being separated.

What even made it even more exciting was that Nina recently gave birth to ten adorable puppies. The reunion was truly heartfelt and Nina and her family were all so excited to be back together again. Of course, April and her family were so happy that they were all crying happy tears.

Getting reunited with a lost dog is like getting reunited with a beloved member of the family. Although Nina was separated from her family for almost two years, her family still accepted her and welcomed her back to her home. Here’s a heartwarming video featuring Nina’s story and how she was reunited with her owner.

Video Source Zoo Land via YouTube

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