Bull Terrier loves the vacuum

Aside from thunder and fireworks, dogs are generally afraid of vacuums as well. This is mainly because of their hearing sensitivity that doubles and even triples the loud noises of the vacuum machine. Vacuums also produce some high-frequency sounds that typically scare and irritate your dog.

You may have noticed how violently your pooch reacts every time you turn on the vacuum. Majority of domestic canines bark at the sight of the machine. Others would opt to run away from it as fast as possible, while some brave ones would playfully attack it.

But this pooch seemed to be oblivious to any nearby vacuum at all. In fact, he enjoys getting vacuumed himself! Meet Rino, an adorable English Bull Terrier who loves the feel of the vacuum on his skin.

Rino loves getting vacuum massages

This three-year-old pup lives with his loving owner, 26-year-old Galateia Mihova, in their Sofia, Bulgaria home. Rino is generally a sweet and obedient pooch. With his shiny white coat and his pudgy little face, he immediately captured the hearts of everyone around him.

Well, despite being a good boy, there is one command that Rino doesn’t follow: to stay away from the room during cleaning time. He just loves sticking around whenever his mom pulls out the vacuum. He would lie around the room and not move an inch until his mom vacuums him.

For him, the vacuum is not scary at all. In fact, he has made it his personal massage getaway! He would lay straight on the floor and enjoy the gentle strokes of the vacuum on his back. It’s probably a good way to get rid of dog dandruff too!

His mom finally decided to record one of his vacuum massage sessions. And sure enough, it had already gained a couple of thousand views already! Watch how he enjoys his quirky massage sessions here.

Courtesy of Caters Clips

If you love Bull Terriers meet the amazing super dog Romeu – he can jump over 16 feet and move cars with his super strength.


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