What do you feed a puppy with parvo to make him feel better?

We recently discussed how dogs get parvo, but what do you do once your precious puppy has been diagnosed with this scary illness?

When treated properly and on time Parvovirus has a good survival rate, up to 90% with the care of a trained veterinarian. Most effective is a course of intravenous fluids to keep the dog hydrated. Adding anti-diarrheal and anti-nausea medication to keep all fluids and food in your dog where they can help keep his immune system strong is also important.

What To Feed a Puppy With Parvo?

Plain white rice is good for upset doggy tummies
But once your puppy can keep food in without it coming back up again you are probably wondering what to feed a puppy with parvo once they can eat again.

Make sure you start your parvo recovery diet with bland foods like rice, boiled chicken, small bits of ground hamburger, and even cottage cheese. Unseasoned pureed pumpkin or sweet potato is also good for digestion. It is chock full of vitamins and minerals important for revitalizing lost nutrients.

You can also try meat flavored baby food (babies may not always like it but puppies love it) or blending some soft dog food in a blender with chicken broth or better yet homemade bone broth. Make sure you find baby food without garlic or onion powder as those are upsetting to dogs.

Supplement soft foods with Pedialyte for extra nutrients.

If you can keep your dog calm and quiet it will help their digestion and keep the tummy from getting nauseous. Feeding them small amounts of food on a frequent basis will help them digest the food and keep it in.

How to Feed a Sick Puppy

If you are having a tough time getting your dog with parvo to eat from a bowl when he’s sick you can try this neat trick. Load up a syringe with pureed dog food and gently squeeze little amounts into his mouth. You can see more in this video:

It may take a week or two of careful attention but soon your puppy should be able to eat small amounts of his regular food. Remember to start out small so he gets used to it again. Keep up any anti-nausea or antibiotics your vet has given you until the full course is given.

Also remember dogs can remain contagious for up to six weeks after recovery so keep him away from other dogs. Clean any bedding and surface areas thoroughly with a 1:10 ratio of bleach to water.

To be safe wait six months before introducing new puppies to your home after a parvo infection has passed.


How much should I feed a puppy with parvo?

Puppies with parvo may require different amounts of food at different times. It is important to monitor their condition and adjust their feeding schedule as necessary. Generally speaking, puppies with parvo should be fed small, frequent meals in order to help them maintain adequate nutrition so they recover from the virus quickly.

Is milk good for dogs with parvo?

No, dairy is not recommended for dogs with parvo because just like many humans dogs have trouble digesting lactose. Generally, once a dog is an adult milk should be avoided as it can make his gastrointestinal discomfort even worse. That being said some vets recommend goat’s milk, plain yogurt, or non-dairy options like almond or oat milk which can be digested more easily.

Is Cerelac good for dogs with parvo?

Cerelac, or other brands of baby cereal, is sometimes recommended as a bland food to help your pup recover from parvo. However, as it’s designed for human babies it contains artificial flavors and vegetable oil that may not sit well with your dogs’ tummy.

There are puppy cereals or milk replacement formulas designed for dogs that may be included in a bland diet for puppies with parvo. Many of them also contain beneficial probiotics and enzymes that help digestion as well.

One such product is made by Vets Preferred. It’s actually a nursing formula used to give malnourished rescue dogs the nutrients they need to return to good health. Any dog, old or young can easily get the nutrients they need while being gentle on the tummy – which is perfect if your dog is recovering from parvo. You can find Milk Rx Powder on Amazon here.

Can I give my dog pumpkin for parvo?

Pumpkin for dogs can be a tasty treat that has beneficial nutrients and fiber (pumpkin is also good for doggy diarrhea). For that reason you may find your dog or puppy with parvo will take down some tasty canned pumpkin when all else fails.

Just remember to not used pumpkin pie filling as it has added sugar that your dog does not need. One tablespoon a day for a larger dog and 1-2 teaspoons for smaller dogs is the recommended amount of pumpkin puree.

Is ACV good for dogs with parvovirus?

Apple cider vinegar is sometimes recommended as well because ACV has antibacterial properties that are good for the immune system and digestion. A little bit in his water can be a good addition to your at home treatment plan. Read our article on using apple cider vinegar for parvo for more details.

When it comes right down to it, the most important thing to do for your dog when he is recovering from parvo is to keep him well hydrated and nourished with bland foods throughout the day until he regains his natural healthy vitality.

Note: This article is for informational intent only. If your dog is sick seek the advice of a trained veterinarian.


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